Hiya! Welcome to the

Empty Your Mind Challenge

The purpose of this challenge is to empty your Mind so it can be in the present moment and handle anything that comes your way.

Ready? Scroll to the bottom to sign up!

Your Mind is an infinitely-creative problem-solving wonder. When it’s open and clear, it can approach even the most demanding challenges with grace and humor.

When the Mind is Full

WHILE the Mind is trying to be this magnificent thinker, IF it’s also trying to be the thought-holder, the to-do list keeper, the date recaller, the pick-up time reminder, and more, the Brain does not like this.

In this condition, the Mind is often distracted and unable to focus for more than a few minutes.

The Mind will forget things, and frustration or confusion will show up.

The Mind beings to doubt, and in comes shame.

We are now fully disappointed in ourselves for our efforts. We snarl at the inefficiency of our own ambitious and often poorly set expectations.

Brain Believes Mind

Our Brain assumes our Mind is only using the Body for survival things.

The Brain doesn’t know what a blog post is. Still, it knows the Mind has put survival-level importance on its creation and perfection because of the potential risk of rejection from our community resources and safety.

Therefore, if the Mind is overwhelmed trying to create and remember everything, the Brain assumes the Mind is not doing a great job.

Now we’re at risk, and we need to change our circumstances immediately.

Brain pulls in Fear. Fear is the signal from the Brain that this situation has to change. NOW.

We go from typing the blog post into the keyboard to the feeling that we need to walk away from this keyboard. We can’t think of any words to type.

The Brain starts to put chemicals into the Body to get it to MOVE.

Next thing you know, you’re in the kitchen, the bathroom, the bed, or walking out the front door away from the keyboard.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

Second Mind

We need a second mind.

One that will remember every thought, errand, task, date, plan, dream, quote – EVERYTHING we want to remember.

One that the first Mind and Brain trust we will check, empty your mind, and update every day, if not several times a day.

This second mind needs to be accessible at all times.

This second mind needs to be searchable.

This second mind needs to be linkable.

This second mind must be expandable by new pages, documents, folders, projects, etc.

This second mind needs to be the holder of all of your thoughts.

It is where you will empty your Mind.

Empty Mind

To do that, you’ll need to spend some time emptying your Mind of your thoughts. 

Every one of your thoughts. Everything.


A project you thought of several years ago and still haven’t started – write it down.

The next grooming appointment for your pet, even though they were just done last week – write it down.

A penny in the change jar that has the wheat shafts on it you want to put away in your “coin collection” – write it down.

The place you wanted to… – write it down.

The tiny tile that came loose in the bathroom next to the vanity where no one sees it, but you see it every time you open the junk drawer – write it down.

A software platform you’ve been meaning to check out – write it down.

The dream that you… – write it down.

A daily meditation practice you’ve wanted to implement – write it down.

Ring light research – write it down.

Talents you think you can use to make better money – write it down.

That thing your pet keeps doing that you want to call the vet – write it down.



How will you know it’s everything?

wellness wheel for loreleisibet.com

I’ll provide you with prompts.

To help you empty your Mind, I’ll send prompts each day for you to consider as you empty your mind.

The prompting questions will cover areas of your life following the Wellness Wheel.

The Wellness Wheel is a known tool used in social and public health. It helps assess the quality of life for a person in eight key areas. Then resources and support can be identified and provided for the areas most in need.

I use it on my site for goal setting for the same reason.

This will help you think deeper into specific areas of your personal, professional, and community life so you can empty all your thoughts about them.




Also Known As

Your Brain
Your Body
Your Work
Your Money
Your Support
Your Spaces
Your Mind
Your Being

Challenge Requirements, Expectations, and Goal

This challenge requires a searchable digital text-capturing tool such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Notepad, Asana, Trello, etc.

You will be sent a “Before You Begin” email when you sign up detailing further what you will need to begin.

For three days, you’ll receive prompts in email.

You will receive a Wrap-Up and Thank You email on the fourth day.

By the end of the Challenge, I hope you have a second mind filled with all your thoughts about your life. I hope the main Mind is open, empty, and free to be in the moment and focused on the task at hand or ready to think some of your second mind thoughts to an entirely new level.

empty your mind challenge

Sign up today
and start tomorrow!

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